Friday, March 25, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 30

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

I MADE it! Believe it or not I was able to stick with this photo challenge for 30 days. I hope you've enjoyed reading or looking at my photos as much as I've enjoyed pulling them all together. Regular blogging to resume tomorrow. :)

I miss my great friend Heather Mitchell. She goes by Victoria these days in Florida as Victoria is her real first name, but I will always know her as Heather. Heather was my saving grace in college and my support system. When I lived at our sorority house and needed a normal person to talk to and a break, I called Heather. She is the type of friend you can go months without seeing and still pick up where you left off. I love her dearly and miss her a lot.

I took this picture off her facebook : ) (Hope that's OK love!)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 29

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

We had engagement photos taken for our save the dates and of course my husband was his animated self. I love this picture and it for sure always makes me smile.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Pole Fitness for Jesus"

This morning on my ride into work I heard a story on the radio about a class in Houston, TX that advertises as "Pole Fitness for Jesus." I couldn't help but turn it up and do a little more research when I got into the office. I know I'm still doing the photo challenge posts, but this was too good to pass up.

So the story is that in Houston, TX ( a place I enjoy visiting) a woman who owns a pole dancing studio called The Best Shape of your Life is offering a class she calls "Pole Fitness for Jesus."
The class is held the second Sunday of each month and the women get together to pole dance to Christian music. They say the class is spiritual, not sexual. But, I have a hard time believing that a pole and dancing together lead to something that is spiritual and not sexual.

I found an article online where the instructor, Crystal Dean, defends the idea against critics. She say, and I quote, "people who want to sit there and judge it, you know, like well that is sacrilegious, that in my opinion doesn't make you a good Christian when you judge other people." The class is free to any woman who brings in a church pamphlet and Dean says she doesn't charge because she doesn't want to make a profit on God's day.

My opinion would be that this is taking it a little far. I am all about learning to pole dance as exercise or something to spice things up a bit, but I think having Third Day or Jars of Clay playing in the background is odd. Not to mention that I don't think God had any intention of music used to worship and praise him to also be used as the backdrop for a pole dancing class. However, to each their own.

A clip from the Fox News station in Houston, TX: HERE

Photo Challenge Day 28

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of

I am deathly afraid of sharks. I watched this movie one time about a couple that went scuba diving and got left out in the water and no one came to get them. The movie ends with them being surrounded by sharks in the dark ocean water. It was terrifying.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Turning 28 isn't so bad

Today I turn 28, at 4:00 to be exact. Or at least that is what I think I read on my birth certificate. I can't believe I am getting old, but I guess along with the age comes experiences and the change to learn and grow. I'd have to say I've had an amazing 28 years. I would like to thank my parents for always making me feel loved and supported. My family is big on holidays, birthdays and really any day that ends in "y." Any excuse to get the family together we'll take it. But, in the merging of families recently I have really come to appreciate my family. Sometimes it takes seeing things from a different family to realize that as crazy as you think your family is, there is always crazier. Happy 28th birthday to me, but also to my parents who have spent the last 28 years taking care of me emotionally more than anything. Gracias!!

This weekend was really my birthday weekend. Bobby planned a birthday dinner with friends @ Henry's in Acworth, which was yummy and then we did the family birthday celebration on Sunday at my parents' house. March is a busy birthday month so this was really a joint celebration for my sister, March 3rd, my Uncle Randy, March 13th, me on March 22 and cousin Chris on march 28th.
Jolie comes to the birthday dinner!
Bobby and I at the birthday celebration.
Silverware and scrap booking supplies, woohoo! I'm a dork, but a happy dork. Thanks Mom!

The best cup cakes ever! Thanks Mandy

Photo Challenge Day 27

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member

I decided to pick 2 family members, my mom and my mother-in-law.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 26

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you

My Family means everything to me. I love them all very much.

From the left: Uncle Gary & Aunt Chris, Byron & Robin Finley (sort of family) My sister, Jamie and her fiance Gray standing behind her. My grandparents, dad, Bobby and I, mom, Randy & Linda, Robyn, Leanne, Boone and Aunt Dianna, Chris and Jolie. All we're missing is Lucil. But she gave birth to my newest niece Mia a few days before our wedding.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 24

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

I wish that I could change the President, or more specifically the results of the last election. I am not one of those outspoken political types, but I am a Republican and a firm believer in the Republican values. I tend to be socially and economically conservative while supporting traditional values. But, I am on the fence on same sex marriage because I believe in LOVE and know that it comes in many forms. I do not support Obama and will do whatever it takes to help get him out of office. He is a great public speaker and has some social appeal, but I'm just not sure he's got what it takes to pull this country out of the economic slump we are in. This post might start my file with the FBI, but then again I am only a lonely blog poster.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 23

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

For those of you who know me well you know that I really don't like to read. I am too much of a busy body to sit still long enough to read. Plus I don't read very quickly so it takes me forever. My sister loves to read, Bobby loves to read and a lot of my girlfriends love to read. I however would much rather cook, play with the pups or watch TV. Audrey even tried one time to emerce me in the reading world. She gave me about 6 books she thought I needed to read. Those darn books went from my condo in Buckhead to my parents house for 6 months then to Bobby's house. I just returned them, in the same bag she gave them to me in, about a month ago. Not good. Nonetheless, I do ready magazines so I am changing this one up to be my favorite Magazine. PEOPLE!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 22

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

Singing. I wish I was a better singer, then Bobby could play and I could sing. Too bad that isn't the case...
Bobby can't really sing either, but lets hope our kids can! (sorry babe, but you are a killer bass player!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 21

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

I was talking about this post with my husband the other day on the way to the car dealership. He had a few words of wisdom and encouraged me not to post my original thought (picture). As sweet of a person as I am, I also have a bit of a vengeful side. I really do not care for people who hurt the people I love or for people who lie. I also value friendship a lot and have a hard time getting over things such as lies and betrayal of a friendship. So, with that said, I won't post the picture I originally wanted to of someone I wish I could forget. Instead, I'll post what is below. I really wish I could forget the other as well - forgiven, yes, forgotten, NO.

This picture gave me nightmares for weeks.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 20

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

The spectacular Greek Islands -- pretty as a postcard with glittering white buildings and red tile roofs, great food, fabulous beaches and sleek yachts.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 19

Day 19 - A picture and a letter

I wasn't really sure how to approach this post today. It's Monday morning following day light savings and I feel a little sluggish. The weekend was wonderfully busy with lots of errands, 2 trips to the dog park, an open house, Bobby's acoustic show and we joining the Methodist Church! We couldn't be happier with where we are currently and would love to sell our house and get into a new bigger one. But, at the end of the day its great to be married and to be in the place we are in our lives.
So this is a stretch, but I'm going with my first idea today:
Dear House,
Bobby and I really like you and would love to purchase you. We promise to take good care of you and to raise our children between your walls. We will make sure the Beagles are nice and don't mess you up and will enjoy every aspect of your spaciousness.

Love, The Johnsons

I just made myself laugh, but I had no one to write a letter too...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 18

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

I took this literally and would have to say my arms make me insecure. YUCK. Best seen in the picture below. They are a work in progress... blah!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 17

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

This one was a little hard for me. But, then I realized that impact can really mean so many things. Bobby and I are joining Due West United Methodist Church this weekend and I think the church has made a huge impact on my life recently. This is where Bobby and I made the commitment before God to remain faithful to each other and committed to our marriage forever. The church is also where we plan to develop our relationships with God and where we hope to raise kids with Christian values and a good church family.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 16

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
This one was easy because my mom has always been inspiring to me. She is one of the sweetest and caring women I know. We haven't always been as close as we are now, but she has inspired me since I can remember. She is full of encouragement, support and this energy that I have never been able to figure out. She is successful in business and in her personal life. I can only hope to be as successful and happy as my mother is. She is a true inspiration to me and our friends and family.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 15

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

There are a lot of things I'd like to do before I die. But, one of the most important would be to have kids. I can't wait to be a mom. I know I'm already a mom to Sadie & Hines but there is a huge difference in having puppies and having kids.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 14

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

I can't leave him out of this post. I honestly don't think I could live without Bobby. He's the love of my life, my best friend, my voice of reason most days and the person I look forward to waking up next to for the rest of my life. I can only hope that God will let me see him every day for eternity in heaven as well. (fingers crossed)

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 13

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
My favorite artist is THE Celine Dion. I can not get enough of her. I really like love songs, XM station 23 is on my radio dial more than most stations, and Celine is probably on that station more than anyone else I know. My second choice for love songs would be Michael Bolton, yes, Michael Bolton. (Bobby, you can stop shaking your head now, I know you are dissapointed in me) I have even been to see the Celine Dion movie - you know, like the Justin Beiber movie out now, before that there was one on Celine. Guilty of loving a Canadian singer, yes thats me.
My favorite band however would be Bellwether Station. I am partial to the bass player, he's hot. In fact, they play Saturday, March 12th @ Red Light Cafe if anyone is interested in coming to hear them. I could get the song to embed itself, but check out one of my favorite from their last show @ Red Light Cafe HERE

Monday, March 07, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 12

Day 12 - A picture of something you love
You all know I am a little obsesses with my husband and he knows I love him. But, he can't be the picture for all the days of this challenge so I thought I would take my focus off of people and go with things for awhile.

I LOVE sweet potatoes. I'm not really sure why or how I developed this love, but I did. Add a little butter and brown sugar and I can eat just a sweet potato for dinner. I used to make these sweet potato patties for lunch in college with a salad and be perfectly content. Its an amazing veggie. Sweet potato fries, pies, mash, etc. I love it all.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 10

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messing up things with

Hard day today. I'm not sure that I really **** up these days. Which I changed above to "messing" up. But, I do have 2 girlfriends that I call "the girls" that I would ask to go along should I have the desire to get into something. It used to be 4 of us until our good friend Allison moved to Jacksonville, so now its the 3 Amigos and a 4th in J'ville.

Love these girls! Carly, me & Liz. 3 parts of B8 (our college apartment)

Friday, March 04, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 9

Day 09 - A picture of the person/people who has gotten you through the most

This is people for me, not just one person and I'd have to go with my parents. We of course as all teenagers do, had some rough times, but in the end they were always looking out for my best interests and as badly as I don't want to admit it, they also knew best most of the time.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 8

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
No words needed for this one.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 7

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

My most treasured item is actualy items, plural. If you've read my blog before you know that I love my pups and they are my most treasured item.

Sadie Jane Johnson:

Hines Ward Johnson:

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Mia Clair's Baptism

I'm actually making two posts today, I know... over doing it. But, I can't pass up on posting Mia's baptism. My little niece (cousin's daughter) was baptised this Saturday at the Catholic Church in a short but very special ceremony. The Catholic Church doesn't do baptisms during their Sunday services so this one was on Saturday. I thought it was a little strange, but that's how they do it. Chris' dad, Uncle Bobby even showed up. I was shocked, but weirder things have happened. Needless to say we had a great Saturday morning at the baptism and then at the lunch at the Phillips house.

Photo Challenge Day 6

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

This one stumped me for a little bit, but then I decided that I might want to trade places with Kate Middleton for just one day. If I could choose the day, I'd take her wedding day when she gets to wear a crown (for real, not just dress up). But, I'd take a normal day as well. How exciting it must be to have the country focus on you and to get wear fun hats and be taken care of by the royal family. Sounds fun, but who knows... it could be a drag.