Last night's show focused for a minute on Alzheimers. (Which I can never pronounce correctly) I was intrigued because Alzheimers is a disease that I am terrified of. Being very close to my grandparents the last thing I want is to see them in a state where they don't know who they are and where they are. As a child I always looked up to my grandparents and I dread the day when they will no longer be with us. I am fortunate enough to even have a great grandmother. She's a testy old lady, but still here and mentally she seems on top of her game. The show is running a "clinical trial" (well Dr. Grey and her husband) for a new drug for Alzheimers. They asked the people in the study to remember 3 words; truck, cabin and spoon. Simple enough for the average person, but not for those losing their memory. I can only hope and pray that I go physically before mentally and that I never have loved ones affected by this terrible disease. The positive news is that my grandparents in their 80's (but don't tell Grandma Flo that, she thinks she's 30) are in good health mentally. Grandpa has a hard time with new places some, but for the most part they are doing well and I hope they are here to meet their great-grandchildren.

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