Monday, February 14, 2011

Love & Valentines Day

I'm not sure who came up with Valentine's Day but in theory its a great idea. We all get so busy with life, work, family, friends, etc. that we don't always take the time to say "I Love You." A day in the year to make sure we all at least think about those we love is wonderful. However, its turned into a commercialized event that requires lots of money, or atleast that is what it seems. I was reminded this Sunday in church that I didn't take the time to really thank the real LOVE in my life, God. We are all so blessed and learn to Love from the Lord, I forget that sometimes and very thankful to have learned to love from my parents and sweet grandmother, but most importantly from the Lord.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Mark 12:30

Valentines Day was special this year for us. Our first married Valentines Day. My sweet husband and I had dinner downtown at Blue Pointe (fabulous sushi) and then went to see the Atlanta Symphony. It was a great Valentines celebration and I can't say how much I love him. Then today I got these beautiful flowers. For a new wife I can't be happier. Bobby is so good to make sure I know he loves me and I can honestly say I love him just as much. Loving the Lord and having a good man to Love you is an amazing feeling. I only hope you all know the Love of the Lord and have family and friends to share that love with.

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