Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A Night at the Fair
Monday, September 27, 2010
So... The Race started this weekend and as usual did not fail me. This year they introduced a small twist, which really made things more important for the first leg of the race. There was a pass added to the show for the first place team for this first round. The pass would allow the winners to jump ahead of any road block or challenge at any point in the race that they wanted to use it. It's really a great idea and something that the winning team will need. I am not as intrigued by all of the teams this year, but there is a UGA connection this year. Andie & Jenna, the red team, are from Georgia. Jenna Sykes was/is actually a ZTA from Uga. She and her partner, also her biological mother, just met and are doing the race together. It's really a great story and probably part of the reason they were chosen. While they didn't do too well on this first leg of the race I'm hoping they pull it together, her mom learns how to drive a stick and that they give the dorky singers a run for their money.
More to come, but no time to blog this afternoon. Oh and today is Hines & Sadie's 1st Birthday!! I'm making a cake tonight for our celebration, pictures and more to come tomorrow.
Jenna's Story below:
Friday, September 24, 2010
Fall TV Madness
Call me crazy but if I have a minute of free time in the evenings you can find Sadie and I on the couch or in the floor in the family room watching TV!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Charlotte For the Weekend

Ok, to The Switch. I really wasn't sure what to expect from this movie because sometimes I don't love Jennifer Aniston in Movies. Friends was her best role and the jump to movies wasn't easy for her I don't think, but she has been in a lot of film. Nonetheless, it was pretty good. And the best part was the quirky little boy that she and Jason Baton had together, which she didn't realize until almost the end of the movie. The little boy reminds me of the cute kid in Jerry Maguire, but he's a little older and a bit more quirky. Overall, I say it was a 3 star movie and worth seeing if you are a Jennifer Aniston fan.
Sunday was low key, which was the theme of the weekend. We had brunch at 300 East, a cute little house renovated to be a restaurant and then I headed back to the airport. Jen was a fabulous hostess for the weekend and I can't wait to get back to Charlotte soon to visit again.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Jackie O's Camel Toe
With 9 designers left, it's still a lot of fashion and all most too much to keep up with until the run way. But, Bobby and I have our favorites and really he just comments on the designers themselves and not what they are creating. He doesn't like Ivy's voice or how Mondo dresses or Andy and his Mohawk. But, he likes Michael D because he says what he thinks on the camera after and then to people's faces he's really nice. Which I find to be hilarious, specially when he and Gretchen are together. (too bad his favorite left us last night)
Side note - Mondo was wearing a cumber bun and short shorts last night with lots of eye makeup. Bobby couldn't get past that the entire show. We even paused it to make sure thats what he had on and yes, it was. Its a bit much for me, but he is a gay man in fashion! His promo picture actually has him wearing the same shorts. Only mondo could pull off hotpants and eyeliner. Only Mondo.
See below:
Can we talk about Andy? He's a bit snotty, self involved and a little divaish. However, anyone that can get Tim Gunn to say, "Jackie Kennedy would not have a camel toe" gets into the Hall of Fame. But it was true, he made "MC Hammer" pants. He really seems to think he designs better than anyone on the show and I'm just not seeing it.
Top 3... Ivy, Mondo, and Christopher made the top three. Christopher was dismissed for that road kill shrug...Ivy almost won, Michael Kors wanted her to win, so he could sell that outfit to 50 year old socialites, but she was sent away..leaving precious Mondo crowned Princess of Sportswear.Bottom 3...
Valerie, Michael D., and Andy's Hammer time pants. Andy should have TOTALLY been sent to the guillotine of fashion for that abomination. Seriously. But they still see a "designer" in him I guess, so he gets to live. Unfortunately, as we all knew, Michael D. was sent to the dungeon. That outfit really was bad. But hey, he stood by it and took the loss like a man.
I can't wait to see what else they come up with. This season doesn't have a clear leader like the last season, but I think I like it better that way because things are unpredictable.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Callaway on wheels

Monday, September 13, 2010
Charleston Pictures
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Things That Make Me Happy
Things that make me happy:
- My fiance - I can honestly say he knows me better than I know myself. He's the one person in this world I can turn to for anything and he loves me as much, if not more than I love him.
- My parents- My mom and I talk almost every day, sometimes more than once and my dad, well he's awesome. I couldn't ask for more supportive and understanding people to direct this so called life of mine.
- My pups - they are our four legged furry kids. I love the sweet sigh Sadie does when she crawls into my lap when I get home from work and the big wet kiss I get from Hines in the morning when we wake up.
- SLEEP - I love me some sleep and the best is early morning sleep when you know you should be getting up but you are still in bed... even better when B is with me and I'm not alone.
- Girl friends - I couldn't keep myself together without my girls, they make me happy and keep me from going crazy
- Athens in the Fall - I could live in Athens forever and absolutely feel at home there. There is nothing better than a Saturday in Athens watching the dawgs
- Reality TV - I'm not sure what makes me happier, watching reality TV and the entertainment or the fact that I am nothing like most of the people in the shows and thankful for that. Love trashy TV, sad but it makes me a happy camper.
- To be a believer - I'm no where near perfect and I do make mistakes (some bigger than others) but I am constantly reminded that our God is amazing and I am happy to be a believer and blessed to have such great things in my life that make me happy
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Uga VII always looked unhealthy to me and it turns out, he was. Russ seems to be a little more spunky and since he's from the blood line, he's legit. Nonetheless, he's not all white and that has caused some controversy among dawg fans. But, I think he's fabulous and adorable and so far we haven't lost a game (knock, knock) with Russ in the UGA Dawg House. He even have his own Facebook Page See Here. Either way, I love him and think he's a great Uga, even if his name is Russ. I just hope they don't try to switch him out mid-season. He's been a good mascot so far, I vote we keep him for the run of the season.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Upgraded to a Room With a View

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
This Made My Day