Friday, February 05, 2010

Millionaire Matchmaker

My latest guilty obsession is Millionaire Matchmaker with Patti Stanger. She is fabulous with a capital F. This is the third season of the show but the first time I have seen the new episodes on the nights they actually show. Or at least in the same week as we DVR the new episodes. I have caught a show or two here and there but my obsession really started a few weekends ago when Bobby and I were both feeling kinda crappy and spent the entire day on the couch watching a marathon of Millionaire Matchmaker. We even went as far as to pause episodes around lunch time to shower and make pop corn. It's an addiction and I'm not really sure why. But, its entertaining, funny and intreging to watch her try and fix up millionaires who are often more clueless than us nonmillionairs when it comes to love and relationships.

The basics for each episode are that Stanger and her staff give their big-bucks clients complete transformations with the help of personal shoppers, date coaches and therapists. Each time two wealthy clients are set up on dates hand-picked by Stanger or by them in what she calls a "mixer." The concept seems a bit much and I think I'd be embarassed to be a potential date, but she seems to know what she is doing and women and men come from all over LA to be potential dates. Patty does have a few rules; no sex with monogomy and no more than 2 drinks on a date. Simple to follow, but you'd be surprised who doesn't follow the rules and how many people pick their matches based on looks and have terrible dates. One of my favorite clips from this season is below (its hilarious because the client they call "sex toy Dave"):

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