The last few nights I have been dreaming like crazy. In fact, I'm not really sure how much sleep I've actually gotten. When I dream a lot it seems like my mind doesn't stop and I wake up tired. My body is rested but my mind is done and its only 7:00 a.m. Thank goodness for coffee. Last night's dream I actually had twice. I don't know if that has ever happened to anyone but I actually remember dreaming the same dream twice. I woke up around 4 when Bobby's alarm went off and remembered my dream at that point and then fell back asleep to the same dream. It was the oddest thing, I dreamt that we were both attorneys and that we had a case against each other. It was back and forth and finally he won. Not sure if I dreamt the dream twice to try and change the end or if I just really enjoyed it. Either way, I am convinced that I dream about the things I am thinking about when I go to sleep. Last night I watched the Deep End on ABC, one of my new favorite shows and I think I translated that into my dreams. Regardless, my mind just never stops.
Moving on to the Deep End. (Not that my dreams aren't interesting enough) This is a new show on ABC about lawyers and it really has sparked my interest. Not that I need another show to follow, but I really like it. I have to admit I caught the first few episodes online, but they were great. My favorite character is Addy, played by Tina Majorina. You remember her from Napoleon Dynamite, Alice & Wonderland and one of my all time favorites Corina, Corina. I loved that movie growing up and when we had our Nanny Mrs. Patty I used to want her to take us to the place where we could order breakfast in our cars and have them bring it to us. It was great.
Now she is all grown up and playing in Deep End. I would recommend it to anyone who like a combination of Law & Order with Gray's Anatomy. Or if you ever watched Boston Legal... this is a less racy version of that show and all the characters are great. It comes on Thursday Nights @ 8:00 on ABC, just before Gray's.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
La Familia
Family, as defined by wikipedia (the new version of the truth as it stands online)
is "a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity or co-residence. Although the concept of consanguinity originally referred to relations by "blood", anthropologists have argued that one must understand the idea of "blood" metaphorically and that many societies understand family through other concepts rather than through genetic distance." I bring this up to explain part of my argument in an early morning discussion. For some reason this morning the topic of family and who is included was debated on Cascade Drive.
is "a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity or co-residence. Although the concept of consanguinity originally referred to relations by "blood", anthropologists have argued that one must understand the idea of "blood" metaphorically and that many societies understand family through other concepts rather than through genetic distance." I bring this up to explain part of my argument in an early morning discussion. For some reason this morning the topic of family and who is included was debated on Cascade Drive.
I have to agree with the anthropologists, whomever they may be, and say that your family is who you understand it to be. For me it is more than just my blood relatives, its my friends and those I love and care for. This would extend to my cousins' wife's' parents and even the parents of some of my friends whom I am close to. To me the family is what you make it and you get out of it what you put in. No, no family is perfect and sometimes there are those you don't want to claim, but who is to say that you aren't part of the family. Terrible!!
To be honest I would say Bobby and I are family and that Sadie and Hines are our children. They are puppies but I care for them as they are my kids and consider them an exte
nsion of who Bobby and I are. Is this wrong? Not in my opinion it's not. Even the black sheep in the family are your family, even when they aren't blood because you are defined by those around you and those you associate with. And at the end of the day all you have is your family and while my interpretation is a bit broader than others, it works for me and keeps me safe and happy. I sleep well knowing there are a bunch of people blood related and not that love me and consider me to be part of their family.

Should you want to do more research of your own on the term Family feel free to check out the Wikipedia full explanation HERE.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Back In Action
The pups are back in actions these days and back to their peppy, fun loving and hyper selves. We had both the pups fixed this past Friday and thought we would be picking up 2 lethargic beagles, but not so much. We should have known better than to think that taking away their reproductive organs would hold our two babies down. In fact, they are happier than ever and seem really unaffected. The vet was shocked at how well everything went and just asked that we keep them from opening Sadie's stitches and that we try to keep the movement to a minimum. Movement to a minimum??? Have they met Sadie and Hines?? Nonetheless, Mommy and Daddy did our bests Saturday and Sunday to keep them calm. But the weather was amazing and we spent the entire day outside in the yard. No one got hurt so we did well and really they no worse for the ware.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
It's a Zeta Weekend
This weekend was Zeta Alumni weekend and state day. Its the one time a year that everyone from all Georgia chapters come together for an alumni reception and then State day. This year my alumni chapter along with the North Metro group were in charge of organizing the day. Since I am no longer President I was relieved to not have to really be in charge but just be a worker bee. For once I could come and go with little to no responsibility. Friday night was the alumni reception at Social Vinings, which is one of my favorite places in Vinings. Their tapas are great and the sushi is rather good too. My favorite things they have however are the deserts. They have fried oreos and small ice cream cones that are to die for and the best part is they are small portions so you don't feel as bad eating them!! I just loved catching up with everyone and really getting to know more of my sorority sisters.
Some of my favorite Cobb Alumni ZTA ladies. Kaite, Megan and Cheryl. Its amazing how we all went to different chapters but seem to have a lot in common.
Our entire chapter. Gotta love our diveristy and yet we always have a great time. At state day with all the collegates, Miss Georgia was in attendance. She is a Zeta and was there to speak and show her talent. The girls loved her and she was really sweet.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
"Feels like somebody's watching me"
Yes, the title of this blog entry was stolen from an old song. But, its very appropriate. Over the last couple of months a little "bug" has been hanging around. A week or so ago she called me out for reading her blog. Funny really since I had only read it a few times, but for what she called me out on, I did not do. The best part is that she really thought I cared enough to "comment" about her. The truth is that my own insecurities lead to me find her blog and read it. But, those have been more than erased and with recent events I have decided to not live another day worried about anything. In an effort to vent and share with the world my frustration I write the paragraph to follow.
So, I thought I would write this subtle or not so subtle entry to simply say move on. Texas is rather far away but with today's technology its too easy to stay in touch. And I'll throw out a hypothetical as well for those who might read this and not know about the situation. Hypothetically, if you had tried to break up with someone several times but they put themselves into the hospital or made themselves really sick each time and finally you were able to end things, would you want to be friends?? No is the answer to that. If you had to think about it you should evaluate your relationships in general. Honestly, the feeling sad for someone only lasts so long . No one cares about who you've met or who you are working for or even when you are in town. In fact, over the last 2 years you've been indulged enough. Yes, there were a few years you shared together and I'm sure you both have taken a lot away from that. I might even go as far to say that you he might have loved you. Love is a strange thing and it changes as you grow. You can love someone but not be in love with them. Hopefully you are both better for your relationship. But, Happiness is what you make of it and if you are holding on to things no matter how small you should let go, erase phone numbers and emails and really just get over it. Life is too short. Stop following my blog and enjoy your life, I am sure there is someone out there for you, I really do believe that.
Ok, done venting for the day... Sometimes girls are crazy and I know this first hand, I'm not without flaws myself. But, there comes a time when people need to grow up for real.
So, I thought I would write this subtle or not so subtle entry to simply say move on. Texas is rather far away but with today's technology its too easy to stay in touch. And I'll throw out a hypothetical as well for those who might read this and not know about the situation. Hypothetically, if you had tried to break up with someone several times but they put themselves into the hospital or made themselves really sick each time and finally you were able to end things, would you want to be friends?? No is the answer to that. If you had to think about it you should evaluate your relationships in general. Honestly, the feeling sad for someone only lasts so long . No one cares about who you've met or who you are working for or even when you are in town. In fact, over the last 2 years you've been indulged enough. Yes, there were a few years you shared together and I'm sure you both have taken a lot away from that. I might even go as far to say that you he might have loved you. Love is a strange thing and it changes as you grow. You can love someone but not be in love with them. Hopefully you are both better for your relationship. But, Happiness is what you make of it and if you are holding on to things no matter how small you should let go, erase phone numbers and emails and really just get over it. Life is too short. Stop following my blog and enjoy your life, I am sure there is someone out there for you, I really do believe that.
Ok, done venting for the day... Sometimes girls are crazy and I know this first hand, I'm not without flaws myself. But, there comes a time when people need to grow up for real.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Catching Up - Week in Review
So a lot has happened over the last week or so... were to start?? The overview is Mama Mia, Snow covered Marietta, a fun datenight on the square, visit to Athens to see my cute sister, Valentines Day and the pups are home!! WOW, what a week.

Eventhough it snowed and I wasn't feeling great Friday night, we took a trip up to the square while the snow was falling and had a date night. We saw Bobby's friend Bert play at the Strand and then had sushi at our favorite little place on the square. It was fun, but cold.
Then Saturday after Mama Mia and the snow melted we headed to Athens to see my sister. We made sushi and went to see the movie Valentines Day. It was a lot of fun. Jamie did really well with her California Roll and I made a bagle roll. It was our first time really making sushi and I think it went really well. We stayed in Athens Saturday night to hang out a little more with Jamie and to see Zoey & Pierre too! Loved every minute of it and can't wait to go visit again soon.

First, Bobby's mom took all the girls to see Mama Mia and it was great. I haven't seen the play or the movie and this was a great production. It was a bit unclear if we'd get to go since it snowed that night before, but we braved the weather and headed down to the Fox for the show. My mom, Mrs.Johnson, Aimee, Sara and I went down for the afternoon showing. I love my family and am so greatful to have such a wonderful group of women to go see plays with.
SNOW came to Marietta again this past weekend and it stuck. The first time we got back weather it was really ICE camafloged as snow. This time it was the real deal - white and powdery. My only complaint was that the pups were still at Man's Best Friend and they didn't get to see the back yard covered. But, it was beautiful. Not the best to get around in, but it was fun to see. I would have loved to have a White Christmas, but a White Valentine's Day is just as good. The house looked so cute covered and I didn't mind walking to Waffle House to grab breakfast. In fact, it was a morning adventure that Bobby and I actually enjoyed. The pictures are beautiful and below
And finally, THE PUPS ARE HOME!!! I really really missed those little bundels of joy. They did very well at Man's Best Friend and are not perfect, but getting close. Love them so much and can't wait to really get into their training and have perfect pups!!!! Sadie and Hines are home :)
Monday, February 08, 2010
Quickest Super Bowl Ever
So we were planning to go to Sarah and Joseph's to watch the game last night and a few things came up so Bobby ended up going into work and I stayed home to do a few things around the house and watch the game. I really thought it started at 7, so when I turned it on at 7:05 hoping to still see Carrie Underwood start things off, I was shocked that the 1st quarter was almost over. But, I did watch that second quarter and see the Saints go into half time down by 4. Something magical must have been said in their locker room because they came out with a little more fire under their butts than the Colts. We were pulling for the Saints all along, but it was nice to really see them when. Of course the commercials were a focus this year as always, but I was really less than impressed and maybe I missed the good ones. I didn't actually see the one below but I heard about it and think its possibly the funniest one I've seen so far.
Overall I was glad the Saints won and the game was over and done by 9:45, with plenty of time for Undercover Boss. LOVED it and will make it part of my Sunday viewing, along with the new season of Amazing Race.
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Only one week and counting until we pick up the pups. I can't wait!!!
Overall I was glad the Saints won and the game was over and done by 9:45, with plenty of time for Undercover Boss. LOVED it and will make it part of my Sunday viewing, along with the new season of Amazing Race.
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Only one week and counting until we pick up the pups. I can't wait!!!
Friday, February 05, 2010
Millionaire Matchmaker

The basics for each episode are that Stanger and her staff give their big-bucks clients complete transformations with the help of personal shoppers, date coaches and therapists. Each time two wealthy clients are set up on dates hand-picked by Stanger or by them in what she calls a "mixer." The concept seems a bit much and I think I'd be embarassed to be a potential date, but she seems to know what she is doing and women and men come from all over LA to be potential dates. Patty does have a few rules; no sex with monogomy and no more than 2 drinks on a date. Simple to follow, but you'd be surprised who doesn't follow the rules and how many people pick their matches based on looks and have terrible dates. One of my favorite clips from this season is below (its hilarious because the client they call "sex toy Dave"):
Thursday, February 04, 2010
I have decided the fratty prep look is back and I love how Channing Tatum pulls it off. Gotta love the hot guy who can dress really well. This is my famous person crush (allowed because there is no way I'd ever have a chance.) Bobby's latest is Heidie Clum...

Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Let's Get Physical
This year our goal (not resolution, because those we never keep) is to get back into shape and just take better care of ourselves. To do this we're making sure we eat better and get to the gym. We also have started tennis lesson at the Atlanta Athletic Club and will be swimming, biking and running to get into shape. To get us started I create a little Jib Jab for motivation.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Miss Zoey
I'm not sure everyone knows the full story on my sweet Zoey Lynn so I thought I would briefly explain it here. I bring it up because she was treated to a pampering yesterday and looks just so darn cute these days that I wanted to post her sweet picture and thought the background would be good too! I was blessed to get Zoey from a litter of the most mismatched dogs I've ever seen. In fact, none of them looked the same, her brothers were black and brown and some of the females were a lite tan color and then there was Zoey. The timing wasn't great, but I had just ended a relationship and a puppy seemed like a good idea. She was a great thing for me, got me out of the house more and yet kept me home more as well. Really I needed her at the time and she was great. Then I moved home to save for a house and my dad didn't want Zoey coming with me so I found her a home witha family that wanted to adopt a puppy. She had a great little house and family who had 2 kids and a mom that didn't work so she'd be home all day to play with Zoe and keep her company. Then a month later the family got transferred to New York and their son got really sick, so Zoey came back home to live with me and my parents. That didn't go over very well, but it did win Grandma's heart over and then she was set! Grandma fought for her to stay but in the end my sister stepped in and adopted her, which was a God sent. She now lives with Jamie and Pierre and loves life. I can never really thank Jamie enough for taking her in and finally giving her a stable home. She really loves Pierre and Jamie and is fortunate to have a mom who loves her and Aunt Sam who will always lover her too!!
Below is little Zoey all groomed and looking fabulous:
Monday, February 01, 2010
Man's Best Friend
We took the pups to Man's Best Friend this weekend for puppy boot camp. It sounds like a great program and one that we hope will give the pups a good start to being better behaved. Not that they were terrible, but they were always jumping all over the place and walks had become a chore with the two of them. Nonetheless, I am having pup withdrawals already and we just dropped them off yesterday afternoon. I'm hoping they are doing well and will not hate us forever. I'll keep you posted on their progress for now, but I can only imagine having the 2 of them in a training class of any kind. Plus, we had them put in as 2 separate dogs so they will be sleeping apart... sad but needed for their separation anxiety.
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