So they say getting married is easy, at least the act of actually walking down the isle and saying "I do." I would agree with that, to a point. With 11 bridesmaids and 10 groomsmen our wedding was a little more complicated than most. But, we had a great wedding coordinator at the church who really go us in line. The day before the wedding we had the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner. Bobby's parents were gracious enough to host the Rehearsal Dinner for us the night before the big day at the Museum of Art in Marietta. What a great venue. The history of the building is amazing, once the post office, then the library and now the museum. Bobby and I fell in love with the idea of having the event there one night at a Martini's and Art event they have there showcasing their new exhibits. This month's exhibit is a bit different than the norm. The exhibit is
Tindel Michi: Relics, a collection of art by two guys who are supposedly influenced by the South. It was all nice work, but some was a little different. Specially the bee hive that was hung strategically in the middle of the room where the buffet for dinner was to be:
Along with the venue choice I originally had a few things planned. But as anyone who has planned a wedding knows, not everything goes as you plan it. Bobby loves Southern inspired things, art, music and specially movies. One of these movies is Steel Magnolias. In the movie at the wedding of Shelby and Jackson, the groomsman cake is a bleeding armadillo. Whenever Bobby can he quotes that movie and loves to say "Jackson wants a bleeding Armadillo Cake." So I thought I would surprise him with a bleeding armadillo. It took a lot of maneuvering and few back and fourths, but we got the cake and it was perfect. Gabriels put it together for us and we couldn't have asked for a better cake. Bobby LOVED it. Over all the night was wonderful. Everyone got into town, we rehearsed, got to catch up, heard some wonderful toasts (more to come on that) and had a chance to spend our last night as single people with our closest friends and family.
I didn't get too many pictures at the rehearsal dinner because I didn't have my camera and I was a bit distracted with family and friends. But, I got a few, see below:

Fabulous venue choice m'am! I love the pic of Bobby about to cut the cake...he looks so excited! The bee hive made me laugh out loud!!
Love the armadillo!!
Yes the cake was a hit, it made his night!
You'll have to go see the Bee Hive its a real treat. :)
I love that part of the movie too!
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