Monday, November 08, 2010

Weekend Wedding Project

As we get closer to the Big Day (68 days and counting) I've decided to take on a project each weekend so that I'm not doing it all at the end. Plus, with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner there really isn't a lot of time to waste. This weekend I started the table numbers. I got the idea off of a wedding blog a few months ago to make wine bottles the table numbers. I decided it was cute and doable. So, I sent a blast email out to all my girlfriends asking for their red wine bottles, empty of course. I had several friends respond agreeing to collect their bottles and send them my way. Erin was great and collect her bottles and got her parents' bottles as well and Liz actually collected bottles from recycle bins around her mother's neighborhood as they walked last weekend (in Jacksonville, FL). She wins Bridesmaid of the year!!!

The process of getting the labels off and the bottles ready for new labels was a little more difficult than I thought. I soaked the first set of bottles in hot hot water in our sink and then pealed them off piece by piece. This seemed to work for about 1/2 the bottles, the other 1/2 were a little more difficult and I had to scratch the glue off. Bobby helped a little as well, but wasn't as in to it as I was. I think he removed a few labels but wasn't thrilled with all the glue still on the bottles when he was done. I printed the labels on our printer from a site where I downloaded the template. It was really easy and I think they turned out nicely. I have about 15 more to do, but this is a start! One project 1/2 way done is better than no projects started.

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