This season "cupid," AKA Patti Stanger, has a new zip code as she takes her matchmaking expertise to the east coast. Patti relocated to New York City for the fourth season in hopes of rescuing the dating impaired. In this first episode, two millionaires; an older "Guido" type New Yorker and a young snooty Jewish website owner are the first clients. At first I didn't care for the guy, but he grew on me and when it was all said and done I think he was really looking for a wife. He didn't meet his match on the show, but I have hope he's met someone since. Then there was the 27 year old girl who really thought she was the cream of the crop and deserved a younger George Clooney, but she was a dry as a saltine and really it was hard to watch her dates. According to Patti she was a bit of a brat and I would have to agree. The idea and the preview for the rest of the season is for Patti and her team to give their millionaire clients complete transformations with the help of personal shoppers, date coaches, and therapists. The therapists being the biggest part for some.

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