Then on Sunday, Beth & Steve Smith (my boss and his wife) hosted a brunch for Bobby and I. It really was so sweet of them both to even offer to host a shower for us. We had it at the Old Mill in Acworth and it was a Christmas decoration themed shower. Which I thought was fabulous! We got some great ornimants and now our tree will be full. Brunch was great and the compay was as well. We are so thankful to have such great family and friends. 

Monday, October 25, 2010
Its A Beer & Brunch Kind of Weekend
This Saturday we hosted the 3rd annual Oktoberfest ZTA Style. Basically its a beer tasting that is a fundraiser for my sorority alumni group. We set out to have a good time and if we raise some $ then great, if not, we've all paid for our Beer and enjoyed it. This year was at our house and I was a little worried we wouldn't be able to hold everyone, but it worked out perfectly! We had about 30 people over and had Belgium beers to taste. I wasn't sure what to expect but I was surprised to find out I like Belgium Beers. My favorite was the Chamay and I think we'll be purchasing more of that in the future.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My Guilty Pleasure
If you follow my blog or even read a few entries every now and then you know I LOVE reality TV. I can't explain it, but it really makes me happy to sit with my pups and watch people get matched, do amazing races, celebrities dance and young designers make really cool clothes on the fly. Last night was the start of on of the "match" type shows. Millionaire Matchmaker started last night and I was thrilled. I even got Bobby to watch it with me, and I think he enjoyed it. He really didn't have a choice since we were DVRing a few things at once and it won't let you switch the channel after you start watching something, haha!
This season "cupid," AKA Patti Stanger, has a new zip code as she takes her matchmaking expertise to the east coast. Patti relocated to New York City for the fourth season in hopes of rescuing the dating impaired. In this first episode, two millionaires; an older "Guido" type New Yorker and a young snooty Jewish website owner are the first clients. At first I didn't care for the guy, but he grew on me and when it was all said and done I think he was really looking for a wife. He didn't meet his match on the show, but I have hope he's met someone since. Then there was the 27 year old girl who really thought she was the cream of the crop and deserved a younger George Clooney, but she was a dry as a saltine and really it was hard to watch her dates. According to Patti she was a bit of a brat and I would have to agree. The idea and the preview for the rest of the season is for Patti and her team to give their millionaire clients complete transformations with the help of personal shoppers, date coaches, and therapists. The therapists being the biggest part for some.
This season "cupid," AKA Patti Stanger, has a new zip code as she takes her matchmaking expertise to the east coast. Patti relocated to New York City for the fourth season in hopes of rescuing the dating impaired. In this first episode, two millionaires; an older "Guido" type New Yorker and a young snooty Jewish website owner are the first clients. At first I didn't care for the guy, but he grew on me and when it was all said and done I think he was really looking for a wife. He didn't meet his match on the show, but I have hope he's met someone since. Then there was the 27 year old girl who really thought she was the cream of the crop and deserved a younger George Clooney, but she was a dry as a saltine and really it was hard to watch her dates. According to Patti she was a bit of a brat and I would have to agree. The idea and the preview for the rest of the season is for Patti and her team to give their millionaire clients complete transformations with the help of personal shoppers, date coaches, and therapists. The therapists being the biggest part for some.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Homecoming it is
This weekend we spent our time in the amazing weather watching lots of football. Friday night we had some friends over and walked down to the MHS Homecoming game. It is fabulous to live so close to the Marietta Stadium. Even though the high school itself has moved the Varsity games are still played at Northcut Stadium. We were joined Friday by Marietta alumni Audrey, Beau, and Cameron and their better halves along with Kristen and Larry. Larry actually went to Etowah, who we played in our Homecoming game, so he was there in support as well. I can't tell you how happy it made me to be back in that stadium and to hear the band play the fight songs. It almost made me want to jump on the field and start cheering again, almost. But then I was shocked back into reality with the masses of high school students and their craziness. I did however have a small moment with Audrey when the half time crowning of the homecoming queen took place. Being on Homecoming Court was HUGE when I was a senior and I loved it. Looking back it was a very fun experience and once I'm glad I had - now if I could just get back into that wonderful dress grandpa bought me. :) (We can all dream of being a size 2 again one day!!)
Saturday we went up for UGA's Homecoming. Jason Trock, one of Bobby's closest friends, was in town for the weekend and we were lucky enough to have him come to Athens with us for the game. Jason went to Vandy and was one of the few Vandy fans in the stands. Saturday was not only Homecoming in Athens but it was also the introduction of our newest mascot, Uga VIII. He really is an adorable pup, younger than most Ugas but maybe this will be a long lasting Uga. Some pictures from online below:

The weather really couldn't have been more perfect. My parents and Jamie came to the game with us as well. It really was a great day in Athens. 43-0 didn't hurt either. Happy Homecoming.

Saturday we went up for UGA's Homecoming. Jason Trock, one of Bobby's closest friends, was in town for the weekend and we were lucky enough to have him come to Athens with us for the game. Jason went to Vandy and was one of the few Vandy fans in the stands. Saturday was not only Homecoming in Athens but it was also the introduction of our newest mascot, Uga VIII. He really is an adorable pup, younger than most Ugas but maybe this will be a long lasting Uga. Some pictures from online below:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Only Good Thing About Traffic
This morning on my way into work (an hour+ ride). I was thinking about all the wasted time I spend in the car driving to and from work. I think if I added it up it would be days of my life. But, this morning I caught a glimpse of a beautiful sky that made me think about the world on a much bigger scale. Suddenly, the stand still traffic didn't matter any longer. I even was able to take a picture on my phone. Traffic isn't really that bad when you have all the wonderful things around you to look out. I am thankful for the beauty that God has given us.

Thursday, October 07, 2010
Catching Up on TV
This past week we just DVRed everything and I started to play catch up last night. I watched last week's Project Run Way, NCIS, Good Wife a few other randoms and got all of our laundry done. I was really productive. And, believe it or not, on top of all of that, I was able to make taco salad, a really good one too I think!
Project Runway: (love this show by the way)
Mondo Won again! He and April are my favorites. His personal outfits are a bit much for me, but overall the outfits he creates are usually really well made and they are high fashion in my opinion. This past week's challenge was one of the fun ones where the designers got to create their own fabrics and then design with them. I can never tell how long they actually get to create their ideas, but the things they come up with are great in the time it seems they get. April or Mondo could have won but in the end Mondo came out the winner. He also gave us a little more insight into his personal life letting everyone know that he is HIV positive and has been for years. It was a heavy run way this week, but the clothes were good and the drama on the show was about the same. 

Taco Salad:
I must say that Taco Salad is one of the easier dinners to make that can be good and rather healthy. I made the beef and added taco seasoning first. Then chopped up the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and avocado. I even made the shells in the oven. Then you just add it all together, top with cheese and a small bit of sour cream and you're good to go. Bobby's taco salad below:
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Our Invitations & Calligraphy
This week we dropped off our invitations with the Calligrapher and it makes me super excited. Invitations go out in a few weeks which means we are that much closer to the final big day!! I didn't realize how big of a difference having the invitation addresses done with calligraphy would make. Its a little pricey, but worth it. We were referred to Faith, the owner of Calligraphy Atlanta, by my friend Mandy and she's great! Faith is actually going to match the blue for the ink to the blue in the invitations. I can't wait to see them. Some of Faith's examples are below, I am so impressed with Calligraphy and wish I could write this way.

Monday, October 04, 2010
Colorado For the Weekend
Our Fall weekends have been slammed and this weekend was no exception. And when I say slammed, I mean it in a good way. Thursday night we flew out to Denver, CO to see Bobby's aunt and uncle and to go to the UGA game. UGA played Colorado in Boulder, but that was really just a side note to the trip. Bobby's uncle David, aunt Glenda and cousin Everett live in Colorado Springs and Thursday night we drive from Denver to Colorado Springs to stay for the weekend. They were so sweet to take us all in for a few days and to put up with the boys' disappointment after the terrible loss to Colorado. When I say "us," I mean John (Bobby's brother-in-law), Dennis (John's dad), Mr. Johnson, Bobby and I.

That afternoon we went to Ev's cross country race. He beat his own time by a minute, he looked great and is a good runner like most of the Johnson men. Its hard to believe he's just 13 and in 8th grade.

Friday, John, David, Chuck and Dennis went to play golf and Bobby, Glenda and I went to Pike's Peak. Ev of course went to school. Pikes Peak was fabulous. Its beautiful in just about all parts of Colorado, but the view from the top of Pikes Peak was great, breathtaking actually. The air is a little thin, but its worth it. Aunt Glenda got us tickets on the COG railroad, which is how we got to the top and the entire trip up was great. Whats even better is that I got to know aunt Glenda and to chat along the way. We saw the mountains, wild life, amazing tree lines and really just enjoyed the fresh Colorado air.
Then Saturday was the UGA game. We drove to Boulder for lunch and then tailgated a little before the game. The Colorado stadium is unreal. There is not a stadium in the SEC that has as nice of a view. It's almost distracting, specially when you are sitting where you can see the mountains for miles and the sun is setting. I caught myself a few times looking out into the distance and not watching the game, not that I missed much! The game was like watching a Marietta High School game with a lot more money involved. They played terribly and the program looked bad, but you win some and you then you lose some.

Sunday we watch the Steelers game and flew home, its a long trip out there and back but totally worth it! I really enjoyed meeting another set of Johnsons and can't wait for them to come to Atlanta in January for our wedding.
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