This week they had to compete for a date with Ali and had to find locals willing to teach them Icelandic phrases. Kirk corners shop keepers, Chris L. figures no one will know the difference and begins making phrases up and Justin realizes it doesn’t matter if he’s on crutches in the middle of the street with a goofy hat and camera crew…people just don’t like him and refuse to render help. Some of the poems were terrible but there were a few that were kind of touching and thoughtful. I think Kirk's might have been scripted, but he did deserve the win either way.

Los Angeles is where our journey has begun.
It’s where I noticed your adorable freckles in the sun.
Next off to New York I found myself falling
Into your rich root beer eye.
Our journey now has led us both somewhere cold.
But it’s here in Iceland I’m hoping aus coor our ore.
Or in English…our love will unfold.
But it’s here in Iceland I’m hoping aus coor our ore.
Or in English…our love will unfold.
On their one on one date they started talking about dating history, etc. and at some point Kirk puts his foot in his mouth when he says, “I’ve dated some great women. I can’t say a bad thing about them. We can talk about that later though.” As if maybe there is still a great woman at home that he wants to get back together with. There is always something and to me he doesn't seem like he's really there. Maybe the mold affected him for life!

Then there is pathetic Kasey. He really puts the icing on the cake for crazy. When talking to Frank about showing Ali his tattoo he says,“If I’m not here for love, I don’t know what I’m here for. I came here to open up. I got this tattoo to be someone. To be a man for Ali. To be a man for that woman.” “I’m a dreamer, a lover, a believer. Physical pain is nothing. Emotional pain sucks. If I get sent home, I will be destroyed. I can’t guard and protect her heart from America when she is here in Iceland. What do I do?” I'm guessing he's destroyed because he went home. He showed Ali his tattoo and her face was priceless... they even left him on the glacier. Terrible, but really funny if you think about it. He was way over the top and all of his "guarding your heart" quotes were really just too much. I'm glad Ali saw that as well.
The only other person who went home this week was random Chris M. Or at least I think that was his name. I never even noticed him until this episode. Next week proves to be full of drama. I have a feeling Rated R gets confronted for having a girlfriend at home and maybe Frank decides to step it up. My vote for the top 4 are Frank, Kirk, Roberto & Ty. Or if not Ty Chris L. I've read a few spoilers but would rather just wait and see what happens.
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