Every morning and every evening I have the pleasure of sitting in traffic. I am sure if you read this blog you are aware of how much traffic and I do not get along. But, we have developed a love/hate relationship. If I can get some good tunes and maybe a call or two on my phone I'm good to go. But, yesterday the radio was not on my side and the rain made my commute home a good 2+ hours. AWESOME! I started to play games with myself while sitting in the parking lot knows as 285 West. I made up stories about the people in the cars to my left and right and the trucker behind me. Then I noticed the license plate on the little red convertible Lexus in front of me. I notice plates a lot lately because sometimes there isn't anything else to focus on. This plate said MRSBJ. At first I read it as Mr. SBJ, then I realized it could be MRS. BJ. WHY would anyone want Mrs. BJ on their license plate?? So I had to know who was driving the car and I really wanted to pull over and ask them what they were thinking. So, I merged to the left and tried to get around a few cars to pass the Lexus. Come to find out there was a very attractive woman driving this cute little car with the terrible plate on the back. She looked normal and well dressed, which from my car passing by is a good assessment in my opinion and about all I knew/know about her. I started to think about the scenarios to how that plate was designed. Did she decide she would be Mrs. BJ or did her husband/significant other. Was she really Mrs. Brain Jones or Brett Jordan... or OMG Mrs. Bobby Johnson! I would be Mrs. BJ!! I quickly decided I would go with Bobby's "real" name in all references to Mrs. anything. I would have to be Mrs. Robert Johnson in the effort to avoid being Mrs.BJ.
Other plates I noticed last night were a few that started with BVI, to me that means British Virgin Islands. Probably not planned or intended to make you think that, but those made me smile. Then there was a T ROD 8. I wanted to ask him in his little Geo, why 8 and what happened to 1-7. My favor was MSTHNG and H8THIS. I really will notice plates a lot more now and might even try to get mine customized the next time I renew!
I did a search for a few pictures online since in the rain last night my camera would not have made out any of the plates really well and those are to the above right. Enjoy and take notice of the "vanity" plates (as they call them) around you. It might give you a little glimpse into the type of person that is driving the car.
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