Monday, December 28, 2009


Christmas has come and gone and what a wonderful time it was this year! Sure we spent most of our day in the car, but it was worth it. We went to see Hope Christmas Eve, then dinner at my parents, to church with Bobby's parents and then back to my parents' house for the night. Christmas morning we woke up at my parents' house did gift there and then went to Bobby's parents' house for the Johnson Family Christmas. Later in the afternoon we went over to my grandparents' and then back to Bobby's parents' for Christmas dinner. Wow - ALOT to do, but well worth it. Santa was very good to us both and we have a wonderful day. Pictures below..

Our house decorated for Christmas. A big step up from last year when all Bobby had was one wreath on his front door that his mom actually brought over and put up. I love the lights and garland. Christmas Day below:

My mom had the camera for Christmas Eve and got some great pictures of the pups so I'll have to get those later this week. This Christmas was great!

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