The last few weeks have been crazy for us and the poor pups are enjoying these busy times as well. Sadie and Hines have been busy bodies lately and I think its because they have been in and out a lot and all over the place. Plus, they are growing pups as Hines tips the scales at 9 pounds and Sadie rounds out at 7.5 pounds. Lately they have really gotten into playing in the yard and exploring. We let them out around 6:30 to go to the bathroom and usually have a hard time getting them back in around 7:30 to eat breakfast. But, they can literally entertain themselves for hours in the yard. The great thing is that we have a wonderful yard for them to play in. I thought since not everyone gets to see them all the time that I would tell a few cute Hines and Sadie stories.
My favorite
Sadie story actually happened last night as I let them out for an evening play time and bathroom break. It has been getting colder at night and lately there has been a lot of rain so it wasn't abnormal for there to be an evening rain and for it to frost over a little bit. I let them out and Sadie came barrelling out of the kitchen only to hit the frosted deck and to slide all the way across the deck. She was stopped by the fence that lines the deck on that side and she actually hit the wall rather hard. She just laid there for a few seconds and then rolled over on her back with all fours in the air like a dead dog. Then she jumped up and looked around to see if anyone was paying attention. The minute she saw me notice her she started winning and stumbled over to see me. She shook her little head for a second and fell over at my feet like a poor little pup that had been drinking. It was very funny, but she did not appreciate that I laughed at her. Either way, I picked her up and played into her poor little puppy game and held her for a minute or two. Then she was good to go and wanted to beat up Hines again.
My favorite
Hines story actually was this past week when Hines had scratched his eye. We got up one day last week and noticed Hines' eye was very blood shot and was oozing yuckiness. So being the over reactive parents we are we took him to the vet to be checked out. But, I couldn't stay for his appointment and needed to get to work. So I left him for the day at the vet. They took care of him and flushed out his eye. However, the vet closes at 6 and even though I left the office at 5:00 I was never going to make it there in time. So, I called my dad to have him go pick Hines up for us. He did and was going to bring him to our house to drop him off. They wouldn't let me leave his collar when I dropped him off, so dad didn't have a way of walking him before they got into the car to head home. The minute Hines was put into the back of dads car he went to the bathroom. Not just number 1 but number 2. ALL over dads car. He then walked all in it and might have even played with it a little bit on the way home. My dad was livid! I called to check on them both and dad said, and I quote " your dog is in my back yard, come get him right now." I was on my way there that minute and couldn't help but laugh when I pulled into my parents driveway and my dad was washing out his car. The good news is that his back is an SUV trunk and can be rinsed out with no problem. Needless to say, he probably will not be helping us out much any more. Mom and I got a good laugh out of it though!
Christmas is less than 10 days away!! Can't wait! Our first official Christmas as a family, Bobby, Sadie, Hines and I. Lots to do before now and then and I'll be sure to upload the tree and our house decoration!
Tis' The Season!!!