Thursdays are fabulous for several reasons. 1. Its the day before Friday, 2. Project Runway is on & 3. JERSEY SHORE is on! Bobby is a recent fan (don't tell him I told you) and we are a bit obsesses and addicted. In fact, I think we're going as Snooki and Ronnie for Halloween. Or Bobby might be the situation depending on his "situation".
So last night's episode was great, Snooki and her bf had several yelling matches on the phone, the F word was flying and then he called and "joked" with her about sleeping with another girl. It was hilarious. I just love Snooki, she is a cute little firecracker. You just can't hate her even if she is a bit trashy... but its entertaining trash.
Then there is Sammi and Ronnie. Sad that her name is Samantha, but it is funny. The drama there is terrible, she just puts herself back into that over and over again. I really think she's going to hate herself later when she looks back at it all. Its like a bad relationship that you can't see until you are out of it. Like Situations said " he needs to give up the cookie so he can have better cookies every night." Terrible, but hilarious!
If you don't watch Jersey Shore let me suggest that you do so! It comes on MTV Thursday nights!